Monday, September 18, 2017



The following safety regulations apply to all individuals engaged in testing as well as to those who even casually enter the concrete laboratory area:


SMOKING— Strictly forbidden within any of the laboratory areas.


CLOTHING—Everyone should provide themselves with suitable work clothes, of substantial quality, in good repair, and clean, for use in the laboratory. Work shirts shall be long sleeved, rolled down, and buttoned at both the sleeves and the neck. Coveralls or a long-sleeved laboratory coat are suitable alternatives to other types of work clothes. Foot gear must include hard bottoms and uppers. Sandals, open-weave cloth shoes, tennis shoes, or other types with soft uppers or bottoms will not be permitted in the laboratory. Eye protection will be worn whenever materials are handled that could possibly shoot outward. Ordinary eyeglasses are defined as satisfactory, normal eye protection, and all students are encouraged to wear them when working in the laboratory. Goggles, when required, will be available in the laboratory.


JOKES AND HORSEPLAY—Tricks, practical jokes, and horseplay in any laboratory will result in severe disciplinary actions against the perpetrators. Every person has a responsibility to perform laboratory work with consideration for the safety of him- or herself as well as that of the safety of every other member of the group. A compressed air or gas hose is never to be used for cleaning a work area or clothing or pointed at another person. Never leave burners or fires of any kind going when not needed. Use only safety matches or laboratory flint lighters for igniting a flame.


IN CASE OF FIRE—Leave the vicinity and immediately inform the individual in charge and/or a laboratory technician. If it can be accomplished without incurring added risk, disconnect electrical connections in the area of the fire.


VALVES AND CONTROLS—Do not attempt to operate any valve or control on any piece of laboratory equipment before being instructed in its use by the instructor or the laboratory technician and prior to permission from the instructor.


USE OF TOOLS—Use only the proper tool as directed by the instructor or laboratory technician and be certain that it is in good condition. Keep all tools and equipment clean and free from oil or grease. Never carry tools in your pockets or throw them when finished using.


LIFTING—Never attempt to lift a heavier weight than you can comfortably handle. Get help when needed. In lifting, keep your back straight and as nearly upright as possible. Lift with the leg muscles and not with the more vulnerable muscles of the back and abdomen. Never attempt to lift when the body is in an awkward position, as when twisting, or when your footing is insecure.


IN CASE OF ACCIDENT—Report every injury, no matter how slight it may appear, immediately to the responsible individual.
If possible, the injured person should immediately seek professional medical attention. The person in charge will make out an injury form and report the incident immediately to the proper authority in writing. In case of serious injury, no attempt will be made to move the injured. Medical assistance will immediately be requested, probably from the designated medical facility.


CLEANUP AT THE END OF THE LABORATORY EXERCISE—Every squad and each individual is responsible for cleaning all equipment used in that period. All equipment must be cleaned before it is returned to its proper place. Bench tops shall be clean and all equipment or samples cleaned and neatly arranged. All sample containers shall be wiped clean before storing. No one will be dismissed or excused from the laboratory until his or her particular squad has been checked out by the individual responsible for this important housekeeping operation.


GENERAL PROVISION—It is incumbent upon every individual to be thoroughly familiar with these safety rules, which will be distributed at the first class meeting. Strict attention to instructions by the instructor and/or the laboratory technician is an implied responsibility of every individual. One of the most important responsibilities of the instructor and the laboratory technician is that of safety. Do not hesitate to ask questions when in doubt about any procedure or proper use of apparatus.

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